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Immuno-Oncology – Unravelling a Tangled Web

Immuno-Oncology – Unravelling a Tangled Web by Dr Neil McKinney

The immune system can both enable and disable cancer cells. The immune system can eliminate cancer cells, but often gets recruited to enter repair (inflammation) or nurse (support) mode, which promotes tumour growth and spread. Inflammatory cells are abundant in many tumours as one might expect in “the wound that will not heal”– macrophages, neutrophils, lymphocytes, […]

Immune Regulation of Cancer

The immune system can both enable and disable cancer cells. The immune system can eliminate cancer cells, but often gets recruited to enter repair (inflammation) or nurse (support) mode, which promotes tumour growth and spread. Inflammatory cells are abundant in many tumours, as one might expect in “the wound that will not heal”– macrophages, neutrophils, […]

Metabolism, Mitochondria, and Epigenetics

Major determinants of cancer growth and spread include damage to and loss of mitochondria, and the level of fermentative metabolism. While these foundation concepts have been known for generations, they have not been translated into clinical oncology practice. Shifts in nutrient sensing pathways, cellular acidification, and hypoxia influence mitochondrial function, and can trigger a turn towards a […]

Managing Cancer Stem Cells -The Key to Survival

Stem cell properties include self-renewal, capacity to differentiate into various lineages, rapid proliferation, and the ability to go dormant for extended periods. These are critical to wound healing and other normal functions. However, when cancer cells acquire “stemness”, they become extremely dangerous. The ability of cancer stem cells to go dormant allows them to survive cytotoxic therapies and are a primary cause of […]

Integrative Care of Colitis

Colitis includes inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) such as ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn’s disease. These cause significant suffering, disability, and mortality. The standard therapeutic options such as surgery and immune-suppressing drugs are not typically curative and can cause significant harm. Naturopathic medicine offers support for these therapies, and enhancements that in some cases can be curative. Nutrition, nutraceuticals, botanicals, […]

Multiple Sclerosis and Stroke – Two Studies in Naturopathic Neurology

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an auto-immune demyelinating disease of the nervous system, with intermittent or progressive course, often to disability, and even death.  In contrast, cerebrovascular disease (CVD) events such as stroke can be insidious, or acute, often with morbid disability or death. The completely different patterns of pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment across these two disorders call for a […]

Neuropathy and Pain Management

Neuropathy is an injury or disease of any CNS or peripheral nerve. Causes include diabetes, nerve impingement, toxins such as chemotherapy, stroke, and TBI. Preventative or protective measures include vitamins B-12 and B1, R-alpha lipoic acid, and L-glutamine. Neurodegenerative medicines include lion’s mane and acetyl-L-carnitine. CBD cannabinoids are proving useful for neuropathic pain. A new […]

Mitochondria in Chronic Disease


Mitochondria are not as robust as other cellular components, and may wear out first, triggering cellular degeneration and inflammation. The electron transport chain releases free electrons and oxygen in and around the mitochondrial membranes. Oxidative stress is extremely high. Mutations occur in the unique bacteria-like mDNA, and the genetic repair systems are less robust in […]

Mitochondria: Key controllers of the stress response

Our understanding of the role of mitochondria in health and disease has increased dramatically in recent years. For example, in addition to their well understood function as the major producers of intracellular ATP, mitochondria are now known to have numerous additional functions both inside and outside the cell, including an integral role in the signaling […]