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Increase Your Revenue…
with a Private Dispensary

Would you like to double your income?

The pandemic has changed a lot. Most practitioners are now getting back into seeing patients in person again. This gives you a great opportunity to get back to the good business habits that contributed to your success.

Here’s an example of the potential profits that you could make, looking at a direct private dispensary model versus an online platform/distributor model.

Average Number of Patient VisitsPrivate Dispensary Potential Supplement IncomeOnline/Distributor Return (Commission Received / Kick-back)Extra Revenue
Per day (8 clients)$800$160$640
Per week (32 clients)$3,200$640$2,560
Per year (1470 clients)$147,000$29,400$117,600
*This information is provided solely for example purposes, and the averages are based on polled information obtained from clients using an 8 visits per day, 4 days a week, for 46 weeks per year model with a $100 supplement spend at patient pricing per visit).

So, does that mean you need to carry inventory?

Whichever your clinic model is, virtual or in-person, we have solutions that can suit your needs.

Did you know that we offer drop shipping directly to your patients?
Contact us at info@nfhus.com to find out more.


Watch Dr Priestman’s episode to hear him discuss how adding a dispensary is crucial for patient follow-through and income augmentation.

Dr Michael Priestman

“It’s about care delivery, and so that’s the primary goal. The secondary goal is a dispensary, and it can be quite a profitable part of the business.”

Dr Michael Priestman, DC, CN, finds that his average daily income from his chiropractic practice amounts to only a third of that obtained from selling nutritional supplements.

“Having patients take away their supplements ensures they are receiving the highest quality products immediately following their visit.”